Friday, 19 August 2022

Build Days 21 & 22

First I need to apologise for a two-in-one post. I assure you that I'm not trying to short-change you, I'm just having to rely on second-hand information. This also explains the extremely low-res pictures.

Nevertheless, it was a big couple of days as the floor got installed...

First thing of note - no trench for the drain anymore. So I can once again skip and dance around the room. Should I need to.

A layer of stone seems to have been applied and, possibly compressed by the look of it...

Then the suspended element comes in, with supports and insulation...

Then we ended up with poured concrete. I think there may have been an intermediate step that I'm missing because pouring concrete onto polystyrene doesn't sound particularly sturdy to me...

So there we go. One poured-concrete floor. I'm looking forward to seeing this in-person! 

We have some minor issues that have arisen though. For example, on closer inspection there is no lintel above either of the old wall openings you can see in the above image. Also, the extra insulation has made our proposed kitchen design infeasible. Nothing that can't be overcome with some consideration though, so I'm not worried. 

Tracy and I will have a think over the weekend, chat to the builder on Monday and work from there. So, until then, I bid you all a good night!

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