Tuesday, 8 June 2021

Planning Approval

News just in - our local authority have allowed us to proceed as Permitted Development! Woohoo!

I thought the architect was going to deal with building control but it turns out it's the builder that does that. I guess it makes sense, given that they have to have the work inspected at key stages.

So now the search for a builder begins. On the same day that the news reports a shortage of building materials! You couldn't make this up.

From what I've heard, HS2 is using up all the concrete whilst timber is in short supply because of a poor growing season in the Nordic lands. It's also a busy time for builders after all the lock-downs as all that pent-up demand gets released. 

A friend of ours is also having some work done that requires dealing with the water authority but they haven't had much luck with them. Hopefully, by the time we'll need them, everything will be much closer to normality.

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