Wednesday, 4 January 2023

Build Day 74

Well, here we are at the penultimate Build Day. If you hadn't noticed already, we're in the snagging phase. Or, in other words, doing all the piddly little jobs and finishing touches that take an inordinate amount of time.

Who's excited to see what happened today? Well, gird your loins and let's get to it...

Top Floor

Up in the penthouse suite, the last two catches were fixed to the window frames. Apparently they hadn't been fitted because the window frame needed adjusting for alignment.

Then the Velux windows needed sealing in. Particularly one bit where the plaster didn't match up with the frame.

Middle Floor

In the servant's quarters, there was some plasterboard still visible. This was plastered over. 

In the bathroom, a part of a roof beam is visible. This seemed quite loose following the dormer being created but when I asked if it was safe to remove I was told it is actually still attached! So the builder kindly tidied it up for me, despite it not being on the list.

Ground Floor

Down in the bowels of the ship, there were some more bits and bobs to do. 

There was a gap in the ceiling between an old wall and a new one:

The window aperture under the stairs needed tidying up (and a piece of plastic was missing):

And the new windowsill in the old kitchen was sealed up underneath:

After the sealing of these windows it feels noticeably warmer. There's still a draught between the living room and the new kitchen but that should disappear when I put some underlay and carpet down. Same at one spot under the skirting board in the loft.

Conclusion (almost)

So I had given the builder a list of jobs and, to his credit, he blasted through it; completing it in one day. That concludes his specific efforts. I'll still need to coordinate with him to get the electrician back over, so it's not the end-end but that means the building project is (probably) just one day from completion.

That day, however, will not be tomorrow. We need the relevant kitchen appliances and worktops to arrive first. Then the electrician can hook everything up and certify the work. But, one step at a time and we'll get there. It's been a long time since the warm long days of July but we're getting close now folks. We're getting close.

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