Sunday, 18 December 2022

Planning day

Well today didn't go as planned, nor did it go as replanned, nor did it proceed in line with the plan made after that. Nope, today went completely off the rails.

Nevertheless, I managed to get some help from the offspring. They helped to measure up their rooms for carpeting. They took it in turns to measure and record the measurements. Firstborn did all the calculations.

Firstborn then sat with me doing some research on carpet suppliers. We recorded the data in a table and there were some stark differences in costs.

Then I measured up the worktops for the kitchen, figuring out what cuts needed to be made. I have a plan now but will want to recheck the measurements when I have fresh eyes.

I'm glad I got some stuff done. Planning is important too! Didn't buy the appliances - we decided to chance it, hoping for post-christmas discounts.

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