Wednesday, 3 August 2022

Build Day 14

 We've had some carpentry skills on show today. Resulting in a lovely frame for the roof tiles.

Roof tiles got delivered early this morning by a really friendly, sociable guy. I made sure I told him how unaccustomed I had become to people from builder's merchants having any sort of social skills. He was from a different company, I have passed on my praise for him and said company.

Talking of which, the sand from yesterday got delivered even earlier this morning. Messer's Chatty or SIMP didn't bother knocking. Presumably they just lifted the bag of sand over my car. Just as well they have robotic arm skills even though they probably shouldn't otherwise be customer facing!

Anyway, it was a long day for the builders today. They carried on until 20:00, presumably because the commonwealth games are going to isolate their houses from the rest of the road network tomorrow. Some road race is happening. I should probably be more excited. So, no update tomorrow.

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