Tuesday, 20 March 2007

Late Night Tales of the Unexpected.
Yes, the unexpected happened this evening.

After 2 weeks of not being able to go to choir practice, I finally turn up and the normal rehersal room is completely empty. Well, I say completely, there was the piano and some chairs, but no people. So I drove home.

I also found where the local radio station is broadcast from and actually saw one of the presenters working away in the studio.

I have two big stories at the moment but they need to be kept quiet. I hate keeping secrets, so I thought it only proper if I told you I was keeping secrets even if I don't tell you. I do realise this may drive some people to the brink of insanity with curiosity - but you'll just have to wait won't you.


Well I'm off to bed now. Night night all x

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

curiouser and curiouser!