Wednesday 5 April 2006

One Minute You're Down...
The next, you're right back up again.

So I've heard back from the interview on the 17th March (or somewhere around then). They say no - because they don't have anything that would appeal to me.

Then I rushed around the West Midlands helping people. This I enjoyed - as I always enjoy helping others.

I now have copies of my graduation photo's to send up to my ex-land lady. I get to write a nice long letter now. If only I could remember her house number - was it 13 or 31?

So anyway, I heard back from a recruitment consultant who, to my amazement, has secured me an interview. The job comes extremely well paid and sounds just up my alley. One problem though, the interview is next Tuesday. The day after what I thought was my last interview. This week I've got the results of two interviews coming in. If I do get a job offer from them - do ya reckon I can hold them off till Wednesday?

Answers on a postcard.

A friend of mine has passed his driving theory test today - so things are looking up for him too.

What a kerfuffle!

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