Wednesday 16 February 2005

There appears to be a particularly nasty form of the common cold going around at uni. I suffered over the weekend. Saturday I took Tracy for a drive round the lake district (I enjoyed it). I managed to go out for a meal on Sunday, but I was feeling terrible b Saturday night and it only got worse over Sunday. I stopped in bed most of the day. Monday was better, managed uni but went to bed after. Yesterday I was better still - brain had unclogged but nose kept bunging up and running. Today I am rcovering my senses of taste and smell and hearing. Glad it's finally happened - I've been feeling drained for a few weeks.

Didn't feel all that tired last night so I stayed up and read my latest book. Until after 3am. Strangely, I don't feel much more tired than when I get a good 8 hours sleep!

So, today there is lots to be done. Lets hope my porridge keeps me going till tea time.

Oh, nearly forgot my dramatic news. A tree branch fell on my car while I was driving. Scared the hell out of me. Luckily, the branch hit the corner of the windscreen. At least I think that's lucky. I can never remember where the weakest point is on a windscreen.

Right, I'm off to update myself on the world, my friends and then to do some uni work.

Take care, and keep warm

Friday 11 February 2005

And you said I hadn't said anything profound lately...

Well today and last night I had a few of those rare moments. You know the ones - where the world makes sense, where the world seems to share a common conciousness. And now I shall explain.

Firstly, something sweet - my land lady's granddaughter wouldn't go to bed till I kissed her goodnight. Bless.

Secondly, though it hasn't happened in while, you know when you're around animals and there;s this understanding that you share. I find it happens with dogs more than cats. In fact, it's prett much just dogs now I come to thik about it.

Thirdly, This morning I drove to the car park and when I got there I just sat. For half an hour I found myself just enjoying the sun, the breeze, the blue sky (I should mention tthat I had the window wound down). That was nice.

Fourthly, something I found intriguing yesterday. There's this project into collective conciousness...
There are these little black boxes that contain an electronic random number generator. There are only two possible outcomes - a '0' or a '1'. So the theory of probability states that the number of 1's should (roughly) equal the number of 0's over any reasonable period of time. Well, the clever bit is yet to come. A scientist took one of these black boxes and sat people in front of it. He told them to concentrate on either a 1 or a 0. Remarkably, there was a sizeable shift in the number of 1's and 0's generated - they were no longer equal.
Being cynical, you could easily be forgiven for saying this could be chance. Well it was repeatable and no matter how it was tested, it still held true.

But it gets better. These black boxes (multiple boxes around the world) even registered events of global significance - Princess Diana's funeral, huge floods etc.

But it still gets better. In a twist to these results, the boxes have also shown the apparent ability to predict the future. For example, the asian tsunami, the planes hitting the world trade centre in new york generated a massive reactoon up to 4 hours before the event.

Ok, so you could argue that you could probably find any event to tie in with these shifts in the balance of 1's and 0's. But apparently they have managed to prove this is not the case. Similarly many experiments on preminition have been successfully carried out - just places are too shy to publish their results for fear of ridicule.

Unfortunately at this time I have no links to offer you so that you can look into this yourselves, but the story was carried in either the Daily Mail or Daily Express - one of them. Hopefully they haven't made this one up (like they seem prone to doing) cos then I've just wasted a good 20 minutes explaining all that.

Tuesday 8 February 2005

Hello All,

I'm okay. Had a bit of a sore throat but I have a feeling that was down to dust mites. So I've hoovered everything (including mattress), polished, cleaned and so I should sleep well tonight.

Seem to be haemoraging money again. It's not like I'm spending recklessley, I'm buying only the essentials... Shopping, parts for project. Er, that's it!!! Oh yes, the hotel/flight costs for my upcoming trip to Germany have made a bit of a dent. But again - it's not like I'm flying first class and stopping in 5 star luxury with chauffeur driven limo. Though it would be nice... *daydream*

Valentines day is coming up. Not doing much for it - mainly because I don't believe in it. But I have a lovely little plan. It's got sweet value. Not much practical value, but I'm hoping she won't notice. ;-)

Uni is plodding along. Project is still making me anxious. I feel like I need to work harder - but there's nothing I can do. Today i ordered the last parts I should need. I also contacted someone about wheels for my project - I have no idea where to get them from!

Anyway, enough shop talk.

I'm ready for my tea. Am having "Spanish Chicken" tonight. I've not tried it before. Talking of not trying things before, I tried some porridge for the first time in aaaaages... possibly in decades. I liked it. It's cheaper and more filling than cereal - also seems to keep me going better. So I'm going to switch.

I really haven't a lot to say just lately. I'm still keeping apprised of world events, but I really can't be bothered commenting as it's all been said before.

In sci-fi news Red Dwarf movie doesn't look any closer - in fact it looks further away now. I say give up, shove it in a huge book with proper cast pics and we'll be happy.

Stargate is looking good just lately - also atlantis is picking up a bit.

In S.T. Enterprise, well, it's been axed hasn't it! I hope they manage to put a nice ending on it
[get ready for the tenuous link.......brace ready?.......]
unlike farscape which got axed at the end of the first part of a two part episode! Which brings me nicely to my concluding grievance... Sky One have (to the average person) ruined the conclusion to the farscape cliffhanger. As I understand it, the new mini series is designed to finish off the series. Well, in the trailers they resolved the cliffhanger. I'll still watch it when I get the chance.

And the only reason I'm talking about these is because I've only just caught up. So I have all my info in one big burst. I got rid of my burst of political energy a few weeks back.

Do you think this post reflects the confused, tired yet motivated mind of the author?

Wednesday 2 February 2005

While I remember, I would like to share this sentiment...

The world seems to like throwing jigsaws at us. Every person has a different part of a jigsaw. So team work is essential; everybody must be listened to so as to build the true picture the world is showing us.

Read into this as you will.