Saturday, 28 January 2023

Loft Decorating, Episode 7

So before we had the sheer audacity to go out for food and have some fun with a good group of people, some more DIY got done.


  • Trimming the edges of the small bedroom's door so that it would actually shut
  • Discovering that when the small bedroom's door is closed quickly, the cupboard door (in the eaves of the house) flies open
  • Sanding down the large bedrooms's door
  • Applying wood filler creatively (not just filling holes but rebuilding corners)
  • Getting a first coat of paint primer on the large bedrooms's doorframe and both bedroom's doors
Wow, when you list it out you see where the time has gone. Until now I didn't think I'd done much at all!

Bonus picture - can you spot where the carpenter put the hinge holes for n the wrong place? 

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