Saturday, 23 October 2021

Little Bit of Living Room Stuff

Continuing the theme of being ridiculously off-plan and because I had had enough of squeezing past the sofa to open/close the curtains, we bought a new sofa.

We went with another flat-pack sofa. They are super customisable and really easy to pack away if necessary. They can also be modded in the future. I think we have enough bits now that we could reconfigure the sofa into all sorts of layouts - we'd just need some matching fabric.

I'm thinking of using some of the old sofa to create the bench seating in the kitchen (eventually).

Given how long it took to do the small bedroom, we won't be decorating properly! The room could do with replastering in sections but if we ignore that for now, just paint it a bit more excitingly then that should do for now.

Not sure when that will be done though. I'm just glad I can get to the curtains!

Anyway, you don't want me rambling, you want pictures. Well, here you go...

Paraphernalia was uncovered and reclaimed by the children. Much like pigeons will fight over a dropped Cornish pasty

Very much a team effort

The desk isn't as in the way as this picture makes out

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