Sunday, 22 July 2007

Where Have I Been?!.
Well, I've had a busy time just lately. So I must apologse for not being around. I know how you all hang on my every word and yearn for the next sentence to be typed by my delicate wee fingers ;-)

Well I am being a very good boy this weekend. I have got all of my paperwork sorted, cleaned out a lot of stuff I don't need anymore and have tidied up. There is only clothes washing (and, of course, eating) left to do now.

As some may know, I went to a Christening last week. It was the first time I had been to a Catholic church for a service (I have previously visited as part of a school trip to many of the different local places of worship). Though I didn't agree (idealogically speaking) with a lot of the theories behind the service, I did enjoy myself and found the day to be spiritually enriching aswell. My nerves were unfounded.

Though I have to say that meeting some of the folks from where I used to work was very nice. I spoke to most of them (I wanted to speak to all, but did not feel able) and caught up. There was also brief debate on the place that organised religion has in the world.

I stayed overnight at my friends house. It was her son being Christened and he is a cheeky little adorable thing. I felt really comfortable at the house and we all had a nice chat. I would say that they have the 2nd best sofa I've ever slept on. I won't be telling whose is the best!

So anyway, that was last week. It was a shame to go but all good things must come to an end. Even if they are only temporary ends (shouldn't they be called pauses rather than ends?).

This week, Tracy is with me. As I mentioned, we've tidied the house and are looking forward to going to our respective parents' houses. Hopefully, I'l be able to do some decorating. I do enjoy a good bit of decorating and if it involves helping then I'll have managed to coombine two of my favourite things.

I have a couple of things to be getting on with aswell. I have started writing a song but this time I think it has potential. I have lyrics and a melody already. I think you'll like. I also have a decision to make about whether to start saving up for a holiday in 2008 or not. It would be a trip with the choir. I am inclined to go.

So that's about it really. I have been contemplating on the New Horixon's mission to Pluto. I wondered whether the mission controllers are, in the back of their minds, thinking how best to preserve the craft to survive into interstellar space as it looks like, if predictions are true, that Voyager 1 won't make it before its battery power fails.

But that's it. I've written enough essays for one morning and I am yet to have breakfast. So, TTFN


Anonymous said...

I also forgot to have breakfast until late, but I've eaten it now and the cake is in the oven and I've also packed some clothes for Mum to take home next weekend for me. I will now get a late lunch (last night's yummy left overs) and then I will attack my lit review. I should also take some recycling out at some point.


Anonymous said...

My RSS feed finally picked up your blog from today. I found it before by coming here directly.
As well as give me today's post though it also gave me 4 others from March and April.
The Grand old Duke of York.
Monday Eveningtide.
Good News.
Ask a stupid question and you'll get a stupid answer.

How odd!


Anonymous said...

also I spotted the (deliberate?) spelling mistake. unless I am mistaken and it really is spelt in that way.
