Saturday, 31 March 2007

Doctor Who.
It's back. And I must say I enjoyed tonight's episode. I was looking forward to a tie-in with the end of Torchwood, but I have a feeling we won't see that until later this series.

This new companion, Martha, I like her. She's different and, if I'm brutally honest, as long as there is no love interest this time, then I think I will thoroughly enjoy watching her alongside The Doctor. I just worry that if the show goes all romantic again then I'll just lose interest. After all, it isn't a love story is it?! Well, that's not why I watch anyway.

So if somebody came to ask me what I would rate it out of 10, I would have to give it a 7. Great acting, some impressive CGI and a strong storyline but far too short if you ask me. But perhaps I should increase the mark to 8 - after all, it's good to leave the audience wanting more - isn't it?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A love interest straight after Rose would kill it for me, especially after seeing him cry over her at the end of season2. I don't think I could take him seriously if he could get over her quickly.

And HOW did he get his sonic screwdriver back? it was dead and he threw it away in the hospital. If he can make them why is it a screwdriver everytime? Apart from the fact he likes the screwdriver - he could have something more useful surely? Something just as cool.

Oh and KT's seen a younger guy in Aus who looks like him. She has only seen him once on the tram though.