Wednesday, 12 April 2006

Can't Think Of A Witty or Apt Title.
Well, day three of this week is now upon us. Day one was fun; a lot more fun than I thought it would be - I met some nice blokes and I sold myself well to people who were actually listening.

The journey there went to plan, I found the place with relative ease. The final island everybody went wrong on mainly due to the lack of signposting! 4 other candidates were there - I expected far more.

The day was split up quite nicely. I was relaxed, the environment seemed nice and the interviewers were nice and chatty.

There was a chat to start with; talking about me as a person to discover what my ambitions were and what my personality was like.

Then there was a technical test which I did well with to say I'd not been doing much electronics for a year. Anything I didn't know I managed to talk around and when I did know something I talked about it in some depth.

The final test was a commercial awareness test. I had covered some of this earlier in the day and I reckon I did okay. I showed that I understand business the depth of my knowledge should come out in the wash when all the interviewers collate their findings.

I left earlier than planned and managed to get back in time to go out for a birthday meal with family. Nice meal, wine was strong though :-s

Day two was far worse. It took 5 hours to get there as opposed to the 3 hours I was aiming for. So I only had an hour to eat. Ended up going to Kwiksave for some snacks. Didn't have a chance to use the toilet.

The view however - driving through Snowdonia was beautiful. I remember turning round this sharp corner, emerging from a foresty area and being confronted by three bloody huge peaks. I think they actually class as mountains - they were rocky and snow covered.

Anyway, back to the interview. I was kept waiting for half an hour before someone came to meet me, but these things happen so I thought little of it. The interviewers didn't seem as relaxed as me and at times I felt like I was causing a nuisance. There was minimal interaction too and I don't think they were listening all that closely. They didn't ask many questions either. I didn't have any questions to ask as they had all been answered and no-one knowing exactly what I would be doing made it a bit hard to ask about the job! I was also whisked off to different places and so didn't get a chance to use the toilet.

So the interview ended after a good hour and I left on a relatively happy note. Got back in the car and made good time on the journey back - took the three hours I aimed for. Finally got to use the toilet when I got near home cos I went to a pub for some food. And good food it was too!

Was absolutely shattered by the time I got back. So I went straight to bed. I'm still knackered now.

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