Saturday 11 February 2006

Stomach Bugs.
There's a few nasty bugs doing the rounds lately. Last night I was lucky enough to experience one of these bugs first hand.

I think I've turned the corner now; I've not chucked up for 8 hours now. Need a drink, unduprisingly. I'm still dizzy and feel drained, again, unsuprisingly.

While I was out yesterday (I went over to Tracy's), I got a call from a recruitment consultant. This person actually managed to offer me something relevant, I was impressed. There's a real chance that they'll offer me an interview, so keep your fingers crossed for me.

Also while I was out, I had a Chinese. It was nice.

Nothing to watch on TV. I usually watch Saturday Kitchen, but for some reason I can't face food right now. So I'm watching Discovery instead. I like to watch the old Sherlock Holmes films on a Saturday afternoon, but for some reason BBC 2 haven't got one on today. Shame.

I'm going to try and have a drink. I fancy orange huice, but I'll stick to water I think. Not sure if adding acid to my stomach is a good idea. One thing that sprung to mind last night was "what if it's the water making me ill?". My sis has had the same/similar bug recently. I doubt it is the water though - the water company would know by now, surely?

Take care everyone. Keep warm and healthy.


Anonymous said...

drink pre-boiled water. stick it in a bottle in the fridge.

Anonymous said...

some links for you: