Wednesday 15 June 2005

There's lots of news to tell, so I hope you are sat comfortably. Enjoy...

My landlady kept mentioning her plans and how she was busy packing. So I took it as a subtle hint and decided to pack practically everything and take it to Tracy's house this morning (me being the master of over-reaction). The remainder (minus minimal clothing and books and TV and radio) will go to my parents with me tomorrow.

I am going out for a meal with parents as a joint "their anniversary, Father's day (I thought it'd already happened) and my birthday" dinner. We're going to a chinese/cantonese restaurant.

Friday I have a hospital appointment regarding my teeth. I'm determined to have something done as it is embarassing eating in front of people. Since I have no bite, sandwich fillings (for example) tend to all come out in one go.

Well, my exam results were released yesterday. I did well. Came very close to getting 2 A's, 1 B, 1 C for my overall module grades. But I didn't. I got A, B, C, C.

While that sounds good, it is my project which has let it all down. It failed. Which I predicted - which I knew was my Achilees Heel. Apparently there wasn't enough evidence of achievement. The rest was fine. Just no evidience of achievement ergo fail.

Not to worry though; I have the opportunity to redo a bit of the project. If I demonstrate that working, and analyse the buggery out of it, and write about it all in grotesque detail, then I may just pass. I'd get a D for it if I did.

But it doesn't stop there. Oh no. Because I have what's called a referral in my project (i.e. failed but allowed a second chance) I am not eligible to go onto the extension year. So either way I'm finished, whatever happens, on 5th July. Nice.

So, with a heavy heart (and severely dented pride) I have told my friends at work that I'm leaving soon. Not telling management until I have an exact date for them (I have to hang around for results).

Will start looking into jobs around Tracy's uni today. Oh that WILL be fun.

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