Wednesday 29 June 2005

Yes, I've finished re-doing my project. Report just needs some photo's - I'll get them tomorrow. Done a little demo and it worked okay. Hopefully I have evidence of achievment now. Am going to include lots of datasheet bits and bats in the appendix. Also, lots of pointless circuit diagrams and software listings. The circuits are incredibly simple, but for some reason they STILL want the diagrams.
Oh well.
Still, all done. Am going home now as I'm hungry and need to do some washing.
Bye everyone

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Today just about scrapes a green sticker. Only just however. Pale green. 9 maths flashcards plus a single side of A4 revision notes, but on the plus side I've now remembered how to do partial fractions and I am going to practise a couple tomorrow to make sure. I also know (roughly) what I need to revise for one of my two exams. So I can do a couple of hours on that tomorrow and also start the *easy/fun* module. Which is only easy/fun in comparison to the boringness of the other one.

On the other hand I totally rearranged my diss (again) and now have a new section. I havent written the new section, but I have the title there and a couple of quotes to remind me what I need to talk about. Word count is finally over 2,000, but that is including all the subheadings. I kinda want to get all the words done this week so I can forget it for a couple of days and then go back and rewrite bits and fix all the nasty grammar. I am trying to fix some grammar as I go along, but am trying not to make too much of an issue of it WHILE I am writing as I just need to write and get my thoughts down while I am having them. Lately I am having precious few thoughts and ideas so I need to write down what I do have.

Oh and in REALLY surprising news mother has decided to learn German for the trip here in December! So she is now starting the BBC online beginners course and we'll find a book with audio guides for her when I get home. I'm *that* impressed!