Wednesday 6 April 2005

Where do I begin? I would love to produce a nice, ordered account of the last few days. But I'll just try my best instead...

Well I got back to the West Mids on Tuesday 29th. I met friend #1 and helped him with his revision. I can't say I did much, but I think I helped. I hope I did. He very kindly bought me a Tandoori pizza. I didn't know it was a Tandoori pizza and so imagine my suprise when my eyes started watering. Still, it was nice and also very kind of him.

The next stop was my cousins house. It was good catching up with him and I hope he was taking me seriously when I said I'd have the sofa that he needs to get rid of off him. Though I'll need to rent storage for it. Then if I have storage, I can empty my parents garage and loft and my room which are all stuffed with my things. Trouble is, it's quite pricey. But I'll sort something.

Wednesday was my trip to the dentist. I think he was in a good mood because he's ofered to make an appointment with a hospital for me. There, I would talk to an orthodontist about the gap between my top and bottom teeth. I've wanted it fixed for a while - but only because eating becomes rather embarrasing if biting is required. It should already be done by now, but I got lost in the system a few years back and never chased it up.

Thursday saw me going to Stanstead Airport. It wasn't until I got there that I realised I'd been there before when I flew to Germany on a work trip. So it was quite fitting that I was flying to Germany once more. This time to Nuremberg.

Well I got to the airport nice and early. When I checked in the plane was already 30 minutes late. I then sat in a restaurant in the departure lounge eating my tea. Well the flight kept getting more and more delayed so eventually I went to sit at the gate. I got my radio out and listened to the control tower. And there I sat for at least 30 minutes listening to approach control, waiting for my plane to land. It eventually turned up and I set off about 90 mins late.

I arrived in Germany about 10 minutes after the last train to Erlangen. So I had to get a taxi. It was expensive, but not as bad as I thought it would be. I'm not allowed to tell the exact amount. I then had a brief walk (that was mostly guesswork) to the hotel. After waking up the night porter, I was in bed by 3am CET. Nice.

Well on Friday, Shaz came to meet me and we went by train to Nuremberg. She was a very good guide for the whole trip to be honest; a stressful job, but I'm very grateful for it. Anyway, we went to where Hitler built his political centre. Or, and I quite liked Shaz's way of saying this, where Hitler had places to shout at people. It really was huge, in hindsight I should have expected this. There was also lots of walking and general sight seeing which I really enjoyed.

Saturady we went to Banberg. It was a lovely market city/town. Nowt to do, but nice none the less. And there was definately a leg coming out of a wall. the leg was unlikely to be going in to the wall. And that won't make sense to many people will it?! Also went to the train/communications museum in Nuremberg. That was a very interesting day.

Sunday was spent in Erlangen. Walking through parks, sat at cafe's. I think I enjoyed this more than Shaz did so I'm sorry if I bored you, but it was a welcome change from walking and sweltering in the sun.

Monday was also a more relaxed day. Went shopping for presents and watched TV. This was also a lovely day. Well, my flight left that evening. We got there just in time. I walked pretty much straight through to the departure gate and joined the end of the que to board the plane. So there wasn't much time to spare!

Plane landed 10 minutes early and I left the plane bang on 19:50... the arrival time. Now there's standards for you!

During my trip Shaz cooked some lovely food for me and I think this deserved a mention because it wasn't necessary but muh better than eating alone in the hotel restaurant.

Talking of the restaurant, I went there once. I was the only guest in the room, there were two members of staff chatting and eating while I was. The food was well cooked, nice size portion and reasonable price for a restaurant. Unfortunately, a large lump of turkey wrapped in omellette was not very nice at all. Oh well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was Bamberg and not Banberg, but I will forgive you seeing as it was so boring and as you spelled Saturday wrong a few words before too. (this will look odd if you edit the post)

And you forgot the chinese. or just didnt mention it. That was Sunday.

And the Ciabatta bread was horrible and I know it, not getting herby one again, far tooooooo dry.

And the crumble was carp too, but that was the fault of the cooking implements and not the chef.