Monday 11 April 2005

I was worried about an assignment I did at uni. I know I've been worried about several, but the one I am about to talk about was my Law Assignment. It was hard going - I had to search through countless law reports to try and find a relevant case to demonstrate what we had been taught occuring in real life. (All about Intellectual Property Rights).

Well, I got the mark for it today.

I got an A.

I don't quite believe it yet. I don't want to believe it as I may have mis-read the mark. Somehow. Despite many checks.

How about that then?

In other news, dissertation should get finished today. Must write up my communications lab report tonight and hand it in tomorrow morning with the diss. Revision has gone to pot these past few weeks, but once the above 2 items are out of the way, it's plain(ish) sailing for 3 weeks, then exams.

It appears that I've started to believe myself when I keep telling myself "I can do this".

See - positive mood and I can do anything. Bloody typical. Yet I'm still in two minds about doing my Masters year. Too late now though - I've filled in all the forms and have bullied myself into it.

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