Thursday 1 July 2004

Well, 11.5 days to go to I finish my job. That's working days btw.

The train company finally gave me my season ticket yesterday. It's only taken a month. I bet they'll short change me too. They still owe me money and I'm gonna make sure they pay.

Unlike bloody royal mail. I sent a parcel special delivery from london to preston. Now where on that route does the isle of man come into things? Cos that's where it ended up. Fair enough, they said I could claim a refund. BUT, I need the packaging from the parcel, the receipt of postage/payment from the PO.
Now, how on earth am i meant to be in possession of the packaging? So you're thinking the recipient can claim the refund? Oh no, cos you need the receipt that the sender has. So how exactly is anyone supposed to claim their refund? If I could get the packaging back - then there'd be no point in me sending it in the first plae, I could just take it myself.


Oh well. I guess that's the idea. it's not fair mind. So I won't be claiming my refund because it was only a day late and it arrived in good condition - making it not worth the bother.

I'm really getting the hang of this ranting to any poor bugger who'll read this aren't I?

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