Tuesday 27 May 2003

wow. deep conversation. Lovely chat room. (again).

It really is a shame that i cant talk in real life like i do when im on the internet. Im gettin better at chattin on the phone now. But im still not as chatty as i used to be.

I used to be really sociable, talking all the time to different ppl - really! ok, so always on the phone - barely anyone would be seen dead talking to me face to face, but i'd talk for ages on the phone. But then (and probably rightly so cos of the phone bill) i was made to sto talkin to ppl. and so number of friends dwindled. i lost the nack of talking. And so here we are. Mr Unable to hold a conversation cos he does too much thinking.

Never mind eh? I think i did ok in Wales. no, for me, i did REALLY well. So i'm now gonna go home, buy some pizza and have inane conversation, listen to general abuse of the german language, and watch tv that i may or may not like. Still, if u cant have fun at home - where can u have fun?!!! Oh the irony! Im goin back to bloody Wales. I was having fun there! Lol. And yes, im going to be going on about this for at least the rest of this week - it being the higlight of the month. and year so far. i have interesting experiences planned for june - all of which will be here. Oh god.

never mmind. off i go. t'ra.

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