Thursday, 7 May 2020

Guild Wars Anniversary - Leofdaeg

250 years later...

A new species emerges, plant-based lifeforms known as the Sylvari. Leofdaeg is "born" in to a world that is dominated by the waking of the Elder Dragons. He is curious about the world and whilst exploring ends up getting sucked in to the battle against the Elder Dragons.

Throughout all of Leofdaeg's adventures he has used his engineering prowess to invent new things, saved the day with his trusty flame-thrower and explored every nook and cranny of the world in a bid to see everything that there is to see. The saving the world stuff is just a distraction and, besides, he really doesn't like having to kill people.

He is currently in the far Shiverpeak Mountains trying to find a way to neutralise the threat posed by the elder dragon Jormag. He is not enjoying living in the cold nor having yet another dragon invading his mind but he can't stop now, the world is depending on him.

When I finally gave in to peer pressure and bought Guild Wars 2 I wasn't sure what I was getting in to. So I started a new character who was a different species with an unfamiliar profession. I had a lot of fun with this character and even had some limited success in the competitive modes of the game. 

He has been my main character for the last 7 years and there's no sign of that changing any time soon, especially since that flame-thrower is so damn fun! As such, his story is predominantly that of Guild Wars 2 itself which is far too detailed to recap here but he has been there every step of the way.

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