Ooh Eck.
Do I really look like a deranged chipmunk with a squint to other people? I do hope not.
Anyway, I just wanted to let the world know that I'm okay. I'm happy. I had a lovely week off work and managed to get a lot done.
In family history work, we have got a little further (and, indeed, widened) the mystery surrounding my mother's ancestors. One of the people in our search left a will. This will be the first time I've been able to use wills in my research. So a little *yay* from the crowd wouldn't go amiss ;-)
You know when I joined (and continue to pay for) that fan forum for the Reverands' Mark and Lard? Well I'm feeling uneasy again. Exposed and vulnerable.
Oh well, can't do anything about it now so I may as well have some tea. Mince with, erm, stuff tonight. Maybe even a rough attempt at chilli con carne. With spaghetti. You would rightly ask "why don't you just have spag-bol?". To which my reply would be - that's a great idea, lets do it.
A yay from the crowd for being able to use a will in your search for your family history...
Happy happy joyous joys!
You know I read this before, I commented about it on my own place, but that comment up there wasn't me.
I need food before I pass out and I need people to email me back before I get stressed out and worried. Not you. Other people. Not that I'm saying you can't write me an email because I won't allow it, but you may, it just probably won't stop me worrying.
Erm, like, the plot thickens.
I mean, if one does not have a monopoly on anonymous comments then one is going to get confused.
Keep up the good work :-D
Guten Tag! Wie geht's?
Mir geht's etwas besser. Ich habe gerade geschlafen! :)
Jetzt werde ich Paella essen und dann muss ich weiter etwas fuer der Uni tun.
Der Tag ist gekommen, gekommen sind auch wir.
Zu Deinem Geburtstag, wir gratulieren Dir.
Wie die Jahre vergehen, denn 24 wirst du heut.
Wir bringen Dir ein Ständchen und hoffentlich viel Freud.
Erhebet die Gläser und stoßet fröhlich an.
Das Geburtstagskind soll leben, soll leben noch recht lang.
Wie die Jahre vergehen, denn 24 wirst Du heut.
Wir bringen Dir ein Ständchen und hoffentlich viel Freud.
Hundert Jahre sollst Du leben und immer glücklich sein.
Eine Runde darfst Du noch geben, 's braucht nicht die Letzte sein.
Wie die Jahre vergehen, denn 24 wirst Du heut.
Wir bringen Dir ein Ständchen und hoffentlich viel Freud.
Looketh! I can admit who I am if I want to!
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