Thursday, 26 October 2006

An Education In Life.
I learnt something today. That is that when someone comes up to you and says "he's a handful isn't he?" referring to your young son, what they actually mean is "please stop your child from climbing on the seat that says specifically 'do not let children climb on this seat' and please teach him that when in small, crowded rooms it is inadvisable to start shouting 'I've farted, I've farted' repeatedly whilst the smell fills up the room. Not only is it uncomfortable for our customers, but it is also bloody hard to keep a straight face and thus maintain impartiality."

I was chuckling about that little incident all the way home!

No choir practice this week or next because they're practicing for their trip abroad which is soon. So good luck to 'em!

I saw Torchwood on Sunday. Both episodes. First one set the scene quite nicely - bit of a suprise twist in it aswell! Well, a suprise to me anyway. Second episode was unashamedly raunchy in places - at first I wondered why they were showing it, but I soon realised that it was part of the plot. I think the writer(s) may have been trying a little too hard to set themselves apart from Dr Who. But that's just my opinion.

Other than that, I have been getting to grips with Guild Wars. Good game, lots of depth, enjoyable. A good experience for my first online game.

Anyway, I'm off for some tea. Have fun.

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