Tuesday 4 October 2005

News is flowing rather slowly at present. Not just with me either.

There's ages to go until the next major space event - a mission launched to Pluto and the Kuiper Belt in January, not that it's going to arrive for another decade. Though the seven years it took Cassini to arrive at Saturn soon flew by. Excuse the pun. I remember it launching, I remember thinking it's ages away and following it on its journey over the years.

There's no luck on the jobs front. To be honest, there doesn't seem to be many "entry level" jobs available. Tell me, how is one to get experience if nobody is prepared to offer it?

I've seen a couple of job adverts asking for graduates with a minimum of a first class degree and straight A's at A-Level (not asking for much there!!!). Then they go on to offer salary of 17k to 20k. The average is 18k-22k. I'm afraid you have to pay for that sort of quality; is my message to companies.

I discovered Yahoo! Music a few weeks ago in the wee hours of the morning when I couldn't sleep. Well today I'm listening to it again and developing my own 'radio station'. I quite like it to be honest. They have quite a good selection of music. It's paid for by a 30 second advert (for T-Mobile) every three songs.

I'm looking forward to the forthcoming release of the Red Dwarf Series VII DVD. I have it pre-ordered and am waiting patiently. I've also pre-ordered some books; some for me, some for Trace.

The rest of my time has been spent playing games. Mainly this, a lot of this and a bit of this too.

When not wasting my time on the internet, or playing games, or sleeping, or applying for jobs, I'm watching TV. There are several things I've been enjoying. There's a series called Space Race - all about The Space Race. A black comedy called Nighty Night is somthing else I'm watching. You can also watch the episodes online after they have been broadcast.

Actually, this is something I've been meaning to mention, I quite like how the BBC have started making their shows more interactive. There are show related games, interviews, clips, previews, production info as well as whole episodes online. They also are providing travel info, weather, news and more. Now this is good use of my licence fee. They are currently developing a similar kind of concept to iPod downloads. This, I feel, is the future. (by the way, the shows chosen for the links are shows I'm enjoying at the mo). I should mention that the BBC have been doing this for some time with their radio output. Listening to Radio 4 comedy is good. Oh, and BBC7.

The BBC seem to go through spells of producing good TV and swiftly follow it through with derivative nonsense that could be construed as glamorising practices which are illegal in this country.

Well, that's everything I could think of right now. More tomorrow. I think I'll do a little bit on local news.

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