Tuesday 18 October 2005

I slept well on Friday night and all weekend. Last night I had trouble nodding off because THAT BLOODY BLOKE RANG AGAIN!

But I had a moment of clarity whilst lying in my bed. The invasive questions he asks would only be reasonable if he thought I had seen the jobs he allegedly sent me and suspected I had bypassed his companyand so done him out of his money. So I got in touch by email (suprisingly easily) and I may have something sorted out. If not, I have his contact details and, mainly for fun, I'm not going to let this lie.

Lots been happening out and about, I won't go into details when I can link to other people who have done the hard work for me! Besides, I'd only be repeating what I've read - so what's the point?

Doctor Who spin-off, Torchwood sounds like it could be good. Have to admit, I was hesitant at first, but I see how it can stand by itself easily. Unlike Stargate SG1 & Atlantis (new series on Wednesday) which are quite similar. As for SG1, I think this might be the last series - it's had a long run but there's only so much defeating enemy after enemy that is bearable - we'll have to wait and see though, I hope to be proved wrong.

Hang on, I think the new series of stargate has started completely without ceremony. Dad won't be pleased. Oh well, it's only the first episode. Second is tonight. Trouble is, we have 2 new characters completely unintroduced.

Anyway, in red dwarf news, there's an online comic coming out.

Venus express is ready to visit, er, venus.

Magnificent image from Mars.

Here are a few images from Saturn's Cassini orbiter

Bored now.

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