Tuesday 6 July 2004

Lots of political nonsense going on that I don't agree with. Won't bore you with the details.

It was American "independance day" earlier this week. I thought it rather odd that some UK radio stations seemed to be celebrating it. Someone should really tell them what independance day is celebrating-that alone should tell them how inappropriate they're being. Why does it often seem as though this country is slowly integrating itself into America? Is this a world-wide phenomenon? I'd be interested in having a multinational debate about this.

Work - well, it's going well. 8.5 days to go. Having a few setbacks that are knocking my confidence a bit, but other than that I'm doing well I reckon.

Am looking forward to going home for a bit. Then it's off to uni. Oh the joy! Am quite nervous about this. Me doubting my own abilities doesn't help. So, I shall try to have more faith in myself. I also need to put in more effort in socialising. But I'm trying. It's just hard to break out of your genetics - if you get my meaning.

Ok, enough whining. I'm gonna have a look round the tinterweb for sommat of interest before lunch is over.

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