Friday 23 April 2004

I had a lovely day yesterday. Had a reply from a dj I wrote to, which was really kind. But then, I got home and picked up my eviction notice of the floor. Yup, I'm being evicted just so's my landlord can house his wedding guests.

I am very angry, needless to say, and so I'm leaving earlier so that he doesn't get any more money ffrom me. All I have to do is get a place to go, which is in the pipeline.

I guess I'm so angry because I try to do right by anybody, and an eviction looks bad on my record. If any records are kept. But still - you see my point. I'm at my current job until July, and I have a cheaper place to go to, if they don't mind me moving in a month early.

I may update you later today or tomorrow. We'll see. On the plus side, I got a major project finished yesterday as well as many other things, So very proud of myself.

Time to go.
Happy St George's Day to all who consider themselves English.

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